Foothills GSSF Match IV
Come out and experience the excitement of our third Annual Foothills GSSF Match, May 3-4, 2025.
This event is part of the Glock Sport Shooting Foundation match series.

Shoot on either Saturday, Sunday or both days.
Matches consist of three “stages of fire” with both paper and steel targets.
Shooting continues until all registered entries have completed their stages.
GSSF membership is required of all competitors.
or Register onsite the day of the match!
New Competitor Information
Some information to get started with GSSF.
- GSSF Membership required – They offer Individual ($35 new member) and Family Memberships ($90 Immediate family and grandparents). Good things about memberships are you can participate at any GSSF event (Outdoor or Indoor matches, across the country) PLUS, you will receive a certificate that usually saves $100 and maybe more on purchasing a Blue Label Glock and other gifts from GSSF. Membership can be bought online or at the match. If you are interested in buying a second Glock before the match, I would suggest online (allow 2 weeks for card delivery) and then you can use your discount coupon for your purchase at a Glock Blue Label Dealer. Note: Renewals are at a reduced rate.
- Unloaded handguns at matches, until the RO gives you the instruction…
- unloaded guns in pouch/case or in a holster with the slide locked back and no magazine
- Rounds – depends on division you are shooting (division = 3 stages). *See Below
- For divisions that are 11 round strings – Plan on 110 rounds+ for one division
- Pocket Glock or Major Sub Divisions, each string can have 7 rounds – Plan on 70 rounds
- Bring extra rounds in case you need to reshoot a stage… Or, if you plan to shoot more than one division.
- Four magazines (will need four magazines for plates, other stages only shoot 3 strings <magazines>). If you don’t have four magazines, sometimes GSSF will have slightly used magazines for sale for $10 each. Or, if you have a friend, they can reload during your match to keep you ready.
- Eyes and Ear Protection (required)
GSSF has three stages, per division:
- “Five to Glock” Five paper targets. (3 “strings”)
- “Glock ‘M” Four paper targets and one steel plate (one hit on this steel) (3 “strings”)
- “Glock the Plates” Six steel plates, steel must fall to score (4 “strings”)
With GSSF, there is no reloading to complete a “string”. After you finish one magazine/string, then you will be told to load for your next string.
Example: For a Glock 19, you can have 11 rounds per string. (remember, if you have one in the chamber that counts as one of your eleven)
More information is available on the GSSF website.
- “What to Expect/GSSF” There are two forms at the bottom that you can download to read.
- “FAQS/Glock”
Briefly, the way a match works:
- You can shoot either Saturday or Sunday or over both days, at whatever time you want.
- Registration opens at 8:00 am and closes at 2:00 pm.
- When you arrive, register (sign the liability form, and get your stickers for your entries.)
- Then, go to the competition bays and “sign in” at each of the three stages. Signing in early is a benefit and could help you get up to shoot sooner.
And, “ASK QUESTIONS”. During the match or email before and we will be glad to help. All the GSSF staff and our volunteers are equally helpful. It’s a fun match with a lot of fun competitors.
You can sign up online or, you can sign up at the match.
All GSSF Competitor’s Entries are entered into a drawing for “Random Glock Pistol Certificates and other prizes from GSSF.”
New Competitor Drawing, When you register for your first GSSF match, you will be entered into a drawing for a free Glock Pistol Certificate.
Good luck and just have fun!
Competitor Divisions (# Rounds per string)
• Civilian (11) (open to Amateur competitors only)
• Guardian (11) (open to Amateur competitors only)
• Subcompact (11) (open to both Amateur and Master competitors with separate prizes for each)
• Competition (11) (open to both Amateur and Master competitors with separate prizes for each )
• Heavy Metal (11) (open to both Amateur and Master competitors with separate prizes for each)
• Major-Subcompact (7) (open to both Amateur and Master competitors with separate prizes for each)
• Unlimited (11)(open to both Amateur and Master competitors with separate prizes for each)
• Master-Stock (11) (open to both Amateur and Master competitors with one set of prizes for both)
• Pocket GLOCKs (7) (open to both Amateur and Master competitors with separate prizes for each)
• Rimfire (11) (open to both Amateur and Master competitors with separate prizes for each)
• GLOCK Girls (11) (open to both Amateur and Master female competitors with separate prizes for each)
• GLOCK MOS (11) (open to both Amateur and Master competitors with separate prizes for each)
Click the buttons below to find out how to volunteer during the event, places to stay while you are in town for the event and local places to eat. Burgers, Hot Dogs and BBQ with all the trimmings will be available both days during the match!
Pistol Purchase Program
The GSSF Pistol Purchase Program is another benefit of your GSSF membership. If you are a new, current, or renewing GSSF member, you are eligible to purchase a GLOCK pistol at discounted pricing once per calendar year.
For More Information: